Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Allyson: "I'm not a model".

          Today's shoot comes to us from Allyson. She is another girl that I met at Wild Walls climbing gym. And that is what she told me before we started shooting." I'm not a model". Well, I'd have to disagree. She is a classic beauty.


            She was a ballerina for years, but when

injuries forced her to quit, she needed to find

something else to keep her busy and in shape. So

 she start rock climbing and fell in love.



      She also loves photography and teaches piano. This shoot was one of the easiest shoots I've had in a long time. Allyson was very easy to pose because she had great body awareness from her years of ballet. She's also just a really cool chick who is easy to get along with The day of the shoot was the first day that people could pick up their race packets for "Bloomsday", which is a huge road race here I Spokane, Washington. So there was thousands of people in the park. I was worried that this would distract her. But, it bothered me more than her!

     I'd like to thank my "model" Allyson for all of her hard work and as you all can see, it really paid off. The photos are great! And we'll see you at Wild Walls!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Joni Elizabeth

      The only thing warmer than Joni's smile is her personality. OK, so that sounded pretty cheesy, I know, but it's true. I didn't know her at all until our short little sit down meeting before the shoot. She had some ideas for what she wanted the photos to look like and it was a look I had never tried before.

        It has a technique of photography where you shoot somewhat into the sun to get a somewhat washed out look with solar flares. I was so worried about the exposure, that I felt my interaction and posing of Joni was distracted. But, no excuses, I still think I got some good photos.

        Joni is a very talented in the performing arts. She is an actress, director, dancer, model and singer. I was very lucky to have worked with her. As we were shooting, a lady walked by with this little dog. This dog was barking at us furiously. Joni said "Oh, he probably doesn't like my hat". She bent down and pet the dog.She was wrong, it wasn't her hat. The dog didn't like the photographer.

     Since Joni is an actress, I wanted to see how many "faces" she could make, because I had an idea for a photo that I thought would be fun. I've done a photograph like it before and it worked well. And Joni was able to make so many awesome faces that I was able to make two images, each with different faces.

        In closing, I'd first like to thank Joni for trusting me and making time for a shoot with me in her busy schedule. Second, I'd like to thank you, the person reading this and viewing my work. It means a more to me than you could possible know, Thanks.