Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Goodbye 2012. Thank you and F**k off!...

     2012 has left me with many memories. Some good, some bad. Some happy, some sad. But, photography has pulled me through the bad times, and has lead me to the good times. My brother in-law passed away from cancer this December. He was a hard working man who cared deeply for his family and he will be missed. A few months before his passing, he and my sister asked me to take some family photos, so that their 3 month old will know who his father was. I did not realize at the time that I was taking the photos, that this was my way of grieving.

     I also lost a friendship this year that was very dear to me, at her request. I was needy, dependant, and a hassle. I don't know when I will ever learn that some times, to keep a friendship, you just need to loosen up and let go. Although I need to move on, underneath my smile, the hurt will still be there. If I could say one thing, it would be..."are those rocks ahead?   If they are we'll all be dead!".

    On the brighter side, I photographed Hoopfest for, I don't know, like the 15th year in a row. It is always the funnest weekend of the year. I love it!

     This Spring I also had the portrait shoot of my life. Kind of like a dream shoot. I got to have a portrait shoot with Caire Raap and her now fiance Josh Heyvelt. Both former Gonzaga basketball stars. I was more than thrilled!

        During the summer and fall, I photographed a lot of portraits. Not for assignments, but for portfolio work and photoshop practice. I learned a lot by myself and a lot about myself. It was super fun and I thank all my models, pictured or not.

     In closing, 2012 wasn't all bad... While there was pain and heartache, there was all happiness and joy. So let's just look back at the past, remember it, then look forward to the future. 2013...

Saturday, December 8, 2012


      This was a fantastic shoot because Julia made it fantastic! She said that she'd never had professional photos taken, (except for her senior portraits, which she said weren't that great) I said " well, I'm not a pro,...yet). With this shoot, my portfolio has taken a GIANT leap forward!

     As we passed by the clock tower, she said "it'd be cool to pose up there!", pointing to the bricked in window on the side of the tower. Now, I've tried to get girls up there to pose before, and even with my help, they could never get up there. To high, to steep a ledge, too scary! I said "if you can get up there, go for it, just don't hurt yourself". With that being said she kicked off her shoes and scaled the wall like a seasoned rock climber. And then to show off, she did a spiderman, (or spiderwoman!) pose.

     Then, we were in front of the clock tower, by the Iron gate and I was about to show her how I wanted her to pose when I realized, she did not need my help posing, so I told her to just "do what you do). So, she hung upside down by her toes. Of course! It is amazing how relaxed her face looks upside down. And remember, the day we shot, it was 45 degrees out. those iron bars are freezing!

     In closing, Julia is a beautiful girl...and a strong girl. I thank her for her time, energy and willingness to show off her amazing talents!