Sometimes a person just needs some quiet time. Riverfront Park can be very quiet, if you let it.
I took these two over 4th of July weekend. The one above is old cement walls from some sort of building that was long gone. I could have spent hours there, but we had to get the fireworks to the lake, so that the photo on the right could take place. That photo is a 6 second exposure from our grand finale. It didn't go as planned. But no one was hurt, very badly. Joe burned his hand and jennifer's hair was on fire, briefly. But I had a tripod to hide behind!
One day this spring I was at school walking to catch my bus, when I came across this sidewalk chalk drawing contest outside the library. That is where I took this photo. At the time, I didn't know how much it would affect me. I titled this photo "Love for Alice". To me, at a glance, it looks as though the artist is wiping a tear off Alice's check. That is a sign of love. Love for her art, love for what see made. This is like my own love for my art, my Photos. The difference here is after a few days, Alice will be gone, her art will be gone and only those there that day will have seen it. But I saw it and I loved it... okay, off my soapbox...
...and on to a few portraits.
So I would like to say a little about the first one. This a a guy I work with. And he makes a lot of faces. He is a character. I am so glad he agreed to do the shoot be cause it turned out great. I'd like to thank all my models for agreeing to do a shoot and showing up and going through with it. It's not easy standing in front of a camera and let a weird guy photograph you, but you all did a great job.
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