It's been said that you can't judge a book by it's cover. I now believe that you can't judge a climber by their height. With that being said, I repeatedly by comic books buy how awesome their cover art is, but I will never judge a climber by their height, at least, not after meeting Alex.

During her stretching time, she doesn't say much. I don't think that it means she doesn't have much to say, I believe that it is just a silent confidence. Being the shortest person on the bouldering floor, she will not be overlooked as one of the best on the bouldering floor.

I've seen Alex at the climbing gym many times, sometimes alone, and sometimes with friends. "Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my girlfriends and I love climbing with them," she says "...but I think I push my self more and try harder when I'm by myself." And I will say that her and her friends do talk, a lot....when they are together!

When she does climb with her friends, they are taller than her, and sometimes, because of their reach, have no problem with some holds, whereas Alex can't reach them as easily. "It's a challenge, It just means I have to figure out a different way around the problem." And she does. "I really like that about rock climbing."

As she finishes climbing, and goes about her cool down stretching routine, with chalk still covering her hands, she thanks me for photographing her, and I thanked her for allowing me to photograph her and for giving me the chance to do what I love...
....And making me realize I should read all those comic books with the great cover art!!