It's been a month since Hoopfest, so I thought it about time for my Hoopfest blog. This year marked the 25th year of Hoopfest and I have photographed about 15 of them. And I hope to be able to shoot 15 more and beyond...
Hoopfest is different every year, but it's also the same...? Every year it's hot and sunny and I get a sunburn and heatstroke. My eyesight goes crappy. (try closing one eye and look through a camera for two days. ...and basketball. Lots and lots of Basketball. That may sound the same, but every game is different. Every player is different. I think that maybe the reason I like it so much.
For me summer begins on Hoopfest Saturday and ends on Hoopfest Sunday. I have a very short summer!
This year, in the woman's elite division, Team TBA won a fifth consecutive championship. I knew that they would be going for five this year and thought to myself that it would be so awesome if I could take a team photo, but thought it wouldn't be possible. But, thanks to a photographer friend of mine, I got my chance! ...And I think it turned out pretty awesome! Thanks TBA!
Now as I walk though downtown Spokane and watch cars, trucks and buses driving down the street I just think about my summertime when there are no cars on the streets and basketball rules. So until then "Keep calm and drive on"

...and the Spokane Shock dance team on center court!