Whoever said "every rose has it's thorn" never meet my next model, Rose. I met Rose at Wild Walls climbing gym awhile back and since the gym floors there a bouncy and uneven to walk on, I had not realized she was nearly 6ft tall.
In addition to rock climbing, she also loves yoga, so of course, we shot a few yoga poses.

So, she's beautiful, blonde, athletic...annddd she's a math teacher, so she's also smart. Amazing!
And, She's also one of the most nice people I have ever photographed. She was excited about the shoot. In no way did she make me feel like I was interrupting her life. I'd make a suggestion on the next shot, and she'd say "Yeah! Let's do that, OK!" Portraits are so much easier when you feel the model is having fun. Thanks Rose!
Keep calm and yoga on